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Medicine Should Give You More Immunity

Immunity has been destroyed by too much of protection from the external environment to the food and water we take. Too much protection does not enable your body to activate its self-defense.

Real medicine should give immunity rather than take it away. It should make you stronger, able to fight any infection rather than making you weak so that you are vulnerable to all kinds of infections.

It is observed that rich people fall sick more often than poor people. Poor people cannot afford it; rich people can. If the poor can manage one meal a day, that is very fortunate – but they are not sick. Rich people, even in the East, are sicker. In Homeopathy, a few diseases are defined as royal diseases.

A famous psychologist, Delgado, had been working on animals. He was given one meal a day, they live twice as long; the life span of the rats given two meals a day is cut into half. He himself was surprised: less food and longer life; more food and less life.

Now he has come up with the theory that one meal is perfectly enough; otherwise you are loading the system of digestion, and that causes the cut in your life span.

But what about people taking five meals a day?

Medicine will not allow them to die but will not allow them to live either. They will simply vegetate.

A totally new medical approach has been evolved, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Greek medicine, and also which takes note of Delgado and his researches, which takes into account that man is not a machine.

Man is multidimensional spiritual being, and he should not be treated as a being that is not predictable but with many dimensions.

Health should not be defined negatively: You don’t have any sickness so you are healthy. Health should have some positive definition. All other methods that have been used around the world are now functioning as if they are against each other. They should be brought to a synthesis and that will give you better view.

It is now well known, by brain surgeons particularly, that everything has its centre in the brain. If your hand becomes paralyzed, it is stupid to treat the hand, and that centre has to be cured.

Sooner or later the whole of medicine is going to become dominated by the brain centres. Those centres have control of everything in the body. When something goes wrong in the centre it is only symbolically represented by the outer part of the body.

Homeopathy treats the whole you. It is holistic treatment that treats the root cause of the disease. It takes into view of your mental health state before it treats the disease itself. Medicine have to go deep enough into you in order to enable a complete cure.


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